Monday, March 19, 2007


According to wikipedia, 'LAZINESS is the lack of desire to act or work in general or to do an act or work that is expected of a person. in extreme cases, a generalized tendency to do nothing may verge on apathy and be a symptom of depression. What is considered laziness varies according to personal or societal context and magnitude. Laziness can be considered an exaggeration of the natural instinct to get healthy rest and conserve precious energy.'

Laziness is universal. it can be something that lasts only a short time before inspiration and motivation take you along your way, or it could become a way of life.

What Are The Manifestations of Laziness?

There are two main manifestations of laziness, apathy and procrastination. Apathy is not wanting to do anything. It is having no motivation. It's not being bothered. Apathy is not wanting to go out of bed and do something different. It's not wanting to go anywhere; it's wanting to let the world revolve around you without it bothering you overmuch. Procrastination is closely related to apathy. Who procrastinates usually looks or feels more tense. there is a cloud hanging over him of a Job That Must Be Done.
I suppose that lazy people may be getting the most out of life, but it's hard for me to imagine how. I can't imagine not having any drive or ambition to accomplish anything, and having the desire to engage only in passive activities, always being a spectator, never acting. Laziness, in many cases, leads to poor health, low self-esteem, lack of hope, and low self-confidence, among other things that I just don't see. It also robs a person of a sense of accomplishment, a sense of self-worth, and self-development. How are you going to learn anything or pick up a new skill or develop a talent if you're too lazy to get up and do something?

Many people are very harsh with lazy people, and I have to admit that my initial thoughts about laziness are usually rather judgmental. I know, though, that many people who seem to be lazy are just picking a passive way of dealing with fears or insecurities or frustrations--people with learning disabilities, for example, often seem lazy because of the high levels of frustration they encounter when trying to accomplish "simple" tasks. A person who's afraid of other people or of social situations may choose a passive approach to everything so that they won't have to take any risks. A slow learner may prefer appearing lazy to appearing stupid--if I don't do the work at all, no one will criticize my performance.

In addition, many people suffer from diseases or illnesses, many undiagnosed, that may deprive them of energy and make it seem as if they're being lazy. People with lyme disease or iron deficiencies or any other such ailments may appear to be quite lazy, especially if they forego activities that their friends and families partake in. These problems are especially troublesome if they're undiagnosed, for no one can see or know of a specific cause of a person's inactivity.
Of course, all of the possible causes (save the physiological) don't justify a life without accomplishment. Nor does knowing that you're being lazy because of fear compensate for what you miss out on in life because of your unwillingness to act. The key to dealing with laziness is taking action, and the key to taking action is finding the motivation to do so. What do we do, though, when a person simply doesn't want to be motivated to do anything? What do we do about the person at work who isn't willing to do his or her share of the current task? What do we do about the student who doesn't do the homework because he or she prefers to lay around, talking on the cell phone or watching TV?

And how do we define "lazy"?
My definition can be different than yours.
Of course, the answers aren't simple. Most people have heard the lectures and the begging and the pleading and the "it's your life--waste it in front of the tube if you want to" spiels, and there's not much more we can do. Hopefully, we can be understanding enough to help them to see just what they're missing in life, and just how things could be if they were to change their patterns of behavior. They're missing out on a lot in life, and many of them don't realize just what they're missing, because they've never experienced it. How can we motivate them? How can we show them just what their lives would be like if they were to take some risks, to act, to live their lives themselves rather than vicariously through entertainment media?

I don't know the answers to those questions, but I do know that if laziness is the determiner of your behavior, then you're missing out on much of what this beautiful world has to offer. Please take your place in the world and be a positive influence to others. Help to teach others of the beauty of living life and of being active in life, not the boredom and tedium of being lazy.
As a footnote, one of the greatest tragedies for me to witness is the effect of lazy parents on their children. I've seen many children growing up slovenly and lazy because they've learned the patterns from their parents. We need to be stronger role models to these kids than to some others--we need to let them see how much the world offers, and help them realize that they'll miss it all if they continue to emulate their parents. It's difficult, but for their sake, it's necessary.

Types of Laziness
'Human laziness has both spiritual and biological causes. The spiritual cause is the distant memory of when we all were one in the blissful, unmanifested mass consciousness of the universe. This was before we all were dumped into the worlds of karma - which forced us to take action - and reincarnation - which forces us to come back until we can act with total responsibility from the place of unconditional love. The biological cause is the tendency to seize upon opportunities for rest whenever they present themselves' - is written in
There are six main types of laziness: physical, emotional, cretive, phylosophical, intelectual and pathalogical.
Physical and mantal laziness can be caused by lack of ambitions. Cars and anything that keeps people from being active contribute to physical laziness. Mental laziness due to technology can also be a problem. Being fed entertainment and information by the television contributes to mental and physical laziness. Computers and number crunching devices contributes to mathematical laziness. The Internet can contribute to mental laziness if you take at face value the first things you see, without truly doing research into a subject. These tools can be utilized to help one become stronger too, but only if used wisely, actively and avoiding a passive interaction utilizing them. to fight with this you can Find yourself a physical activity ,something you can do outside. Get a second job if you have one.There is always volunteer work you could do.Try to stay away from sitting down watching television or playing video games. For physical laziness, put on some cool music when no one's around and dance wildly to get you started and in the mood to move around more. For mental laziness, find whatever interests you and try to do something creative with it. You can start a blog for something simple, trying to develop new ideas which people haven't mentioned before on your subject.
Creative laziness is applying the mind to make the task easier to accomplish and ultimately results in less effort expended. In general this is a good thing.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Emotional intelligence

What Is Emotional Intelligence?

There are many possible definitions of emotional intelligence. However, being a relatively new area, the definition of emotional intelligence is still in a state of flux. one possible definition:
The set of skills that underlie the accurate assessment, evaluation, and regulation of emotions. Emotional intelligence provides an understanding of what other people are feeling and exeperiencing, and permits us to respond appropriately to other's needs.
Emotion. In this model, emotion refers to a feeling state (including physiological responses and cognitions) that conveys information about relationships. For example, happiness is a feeling state that also conveys information about relationships -- typically, that one would like to join with others. Similarly, fear is a feeling state that corresponds to a relationship -- the urge to flee others.
There are different kinds of emotions:
It has interjections expressing degrees of these emotions:
Simple emotions
discovery - confusion
gain - loss
generousity - greed
surprise - no surprise - expectation
wonder - commonplace
happiness - unhappiness
amusement - weariness
completion - incompleteness
courage - timidity - cowardice
pity - cruelty
repentance - lack of regret - innocence
Complex emotions
pride - modesty - shame
closeness - detachment - distance
complaint/pain - doing OK - pleasure
caution - boldness - rashness - drama

patience - mere tolerance - anger
relaxation - composure - stress
Pure emotions
fear - nervousness - security
togetherness - privacy
respect - disrespect
appreciation - envy
love - no love lost - hatred
familiarity - mystery
Propositional attitudes
attentive - inattentive - avoiding
alertness - exhaustion
intent - indecision - refusal
effort - no real effort - repose
hope - despair
desire - indifference - reluctance
interest - no interest - repulsion
Complex propositional attitudes
permission - prohibition
competence - incompetence
obligation - freedom
constraint - independence - resistance to constraint
request - negative request
suggestion - no suggestion - warning

Intelligence. In this model, intelligence refers to the capacity to reason validly about information.

Who Is Emotionally Intelligent?

Generally speaking, emotional intelligence improves an individual's social effectiveness. The higher the emotional intelligence, the better the social relations. Here is described emotionally intellinet person:

The high EI individual, most centrally, can better perceive emotions, use them in thought, understand their meanings, and manage emotions, than others. Solving emotional problems likely requires less cognitive effort for this individual. The person also tends to be somewhat higher in verbal, social, and other intelligences, particularly if the individual scored higher in the understanding emotions portion of EI. The individual tends to be more open and agreeable than others. The high EI person is drawn to occupations involving social interactions such as teaching and counseling more so than to occupations involving clerical or administrative tasks.

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